Strategic Plan 


The BEAM Board of Directors participates in a strategic planning process each year.  This involves several steps including:


  • Appointment of a Planning Committee comprised of Board members, school administrators and teachers.  The Committee ordinarily meets for two full days in the spring. 
  • Review and grading of the programs from the prior year's Plan.
  • Review of the Mission Statement and Vision Statement.
  • Identification of internal issues which are those that BEAM can directly control.
  • Identification of external issues which are those over which BEAM has no direct control.
  • Identification of candidates for abandonment which are issues or concerns that BEAM might like to leave behind.
  • Identification of core competencies which are strengths which distinguish BEAM from peer institutions.
  • Identification and prioritization of key issues.  These are the issues of greatest concern to the Planning Committee
  • Review of non-negotiable issues which represent principles accepted by BEAM as fundamental to how to conduct our operation.
  • Identification of planning assumptions which define BEAM's present and future environment as it pursues its vision projected five years into the future.
  • Identification of the vision for BEAM and the members would like it to be five years into the future.


The BEAM planning process requires that Planning Committee members prepare programs that address the key issues identified in the planning process.


The Planning Committee sets objectives for the next three years which are targets for student and teacher performance, parent satisfaction and student referrals.  The objectives are specific, measurable, challenging, and attainable.


Finally, the Planning Committee identifies critical factors of success.  These are efforts that will help implement the programs identified in the year's planning process.   

Click here to view BEAMs School Improvement Plan.  This will open in a new window.